Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ogle Inn at There-&-Back

 Ogle Inn at There-&-Back is where it’s at—
the galactic mysteries, magic, and a bit of mayhem.
If I yearn for inspiration, teleportation,
or release from my human soul,
Ogle Inn at There-&-Back is my habitat.

Ogle Inn at There-&-Back is on the flat
between dimensions, cosmic strings, and spatial warps.
If I want to brave the flow, a black hole’s abyss,
or the next step in evolution,
Ogle Inn at There-&-Back has all of that.

Ogle Inn at There-&-Back is a place to chat
with Spartans, spacemen, spirits, sprites, and spidermen.
If I desire conversation, motivation,
or directions to immortality,
Ogle Inn at There-&-Back gives tit for tat.

Ogle Inn at There-&-Back is all of that—
it’s Limbo, Hogwarts, Xanadu, and Jurassic Park.
If I seek its location, make it a destination 
 that’ll inspire my imagination,
Ogle Inn at There-&-Back is where it’s at.

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